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Glass terrace roofing

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Glass terrace roofing – elegance and aesthetics

A glass terrace roofing is a permanent solution that combines functionality with elegance and durability. Glass roofings work excellently as a cover for a terrace, veranda, or porch.

Glass terrace roofing from our offer features a structure made of aluminum with increased resistance to atmospheric conditions – moisture and UV radiation. The sturdy structures are resistant to wind and seismic shocks.

Gumax glass roofing structures are available in two color options: white and black with an elegant matte finish. Additionally, we offer two styles of construction:

1. Modern,
2. Classic.

Modern constructions have supports with a simple, square shape and a slightly rounded gutter. They work perfectly in spaces with a minimalist and modern character.

On the other hand, classic constructions of glass terrace roofs have rounded edges of supports and a gutter with a stylized, decorative shape.

The construction of the Modes Glas glass roofing is characterized by square profiles. In this model, it is possible to order the roofing construction in various color options.

The filling of the glass terrace roofing consists of safe, laminated, and tempered glass (4-4-2). There is an option to choose between:

1. Transparent,
2. Milky glass.

Transparent glass roofing allows more light to pass through, while milky roofing lets in less light and thermal energy.

Glass terrace roofing can be an excellent solution for shielding a veranda, terrace, or porch. When used with side and front walls, they can serve as a winter garden or conservatory.

The side walls of the glass terrace roofing are available in several options:

1. Side walls with the character of fixed curtains can be made of glass or cellular polycarbonate.
– Glass side walls require the use of a filling wedge between the roof slope and the wall, and this filling can be made of glass or cellular polycarbonate.
– Side walls with cellular polycarbonate can be executed in two ways: as a uniform filling of the entire side space or as a side wall with a triangular filling of glass or cellular polycarbonate.

2. Front walls are made of glass, in a sliding system with 2 to 6 tracks, allowing for flexible covering of part or the entire surface of the front roofing wall.

The front walls of the glass terrace roofing can be freely slid, changing their mutual position. This allows for limiting the wind flow on the veranda. At the same time, large door panels, with a width of 98 cm, enable enjoying a considerable amount of light under the roofing.

In our glass terrace roofing options, you can incorporate several optional features that enhance the quality and comfort of the covered space.

Among the optional elements for the glass terrace roofing, consider:

1. **Sunshade roller blind:** Mounted under the roofing, the blind is made of synthetic fabric with embedded aluminum threads. It reflects up to 89% of thermal radiation and stops 73% of visible light. Thanks to its panel construction, the blind can cover any part of the roofing, and remote control makes its operation incredibly simple and enjoyable.

2. **LED point lighting:** Consisting of 4 or 6 LED lamps or strips, wirelessly controlled, with the ability to smoothly change the color and intensity of the lighting.

3. **Concrete foundations:** Concrete blocks with the option of water drainage or without, allowing the installation of the roofing at the floor level.

4. **Side wedges and side walls:** Covering the sides of the roofing.

5. **Front walls made of glass:** In a sliding system.

We invite you to read our blog. You will find a post about glass terrace roofing. In it, we delve into the characteristics of the glass used in them and present the features of various models of glass terrace roofing from our offer.