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Pergola Sun Screens

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For each ordered pergola, we can optionally add textile roller blinds, called pergola reflexes. These are special covers that protect against the sun, gusts of wind and driving rain or the eyes of neighbors. The standard solution is to order a pergola with reflexes. Of course, it is possible to buy reflexes for existing structures, both aluminum and wooden, steel or concrete. Two types of mounting can then be used. Reflectors are mounted to the recess of the pergola structure, i.e. between the supports or by screwing them to the front of the pergola supports. The most frequently chosen reflexes are models in the Ziip system. It is characterized by the fact that the fabric is guided inside the guides, which completely covers the walls of the pergola. In addition to the Ziip system, we also offer a reflexoly solution in a cassette, e.g. Refleksol 90,
Refleksol 103 or without a cassette, e.g. Refleksol XL. The fabric in these reflexes is not guided inside the guide. The use of the appropriate reflexola system depends on the possibility of assembly and the size of the pergola and individual needs.